WELL hello friends. Today I thought I'd head just north of Brisbane up here to Lake Samsonvale to explore some of the coast. I'm at one of the picnic areas now and I'm going to be heading around the coast along a few walkways in the bush there going for about ten kilometres. It's a very good day for it and with a bit of luck I may be able to get a good sunset. Obviously I'll need to cross my fingers because it's a matter of waiting for a gap in the cloud just as the sun is setting which may or may not happen and it if does, it will be absolutely spectacular. Otherwise it will just fizzle out as a grey sunset.
This is as far as I'm going to get today. I just need to head back to the start of the track which is not too far away actually. The end is not far from here. It's quite a beautiful little evening scene out here with nice colours and it's been quite a good day for photography with the overcast skies.