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Crossing Lake Titicaca

Crossing Lake Titicaca
Home > Travels > Western Hemisphere > The High Andes > 47


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La Paz - Puno

Bolivia - Peru



3610 - 4240m ASL


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Introduction to today's journey

Today's journey takes us out of La Paz, heading up the mountain through Al Alto and across the plateau before eventually reaching Lake Titicaca. We cross a very narrow neck of the lake in a precarious ferry before heading to the small shoreside town of Copanabana. After a lunch break, we head further around the lake over mountains to a border crossing into Peru. Once across the border, we continue around the enormous lake to Puno.


Today's Journey


Heading out of La Paz in the early morning following the highway above the city. Mount Illimani towers in the background.



Passing through the middle of the older and poorer El Alto, the world's highest city at 4100 metres above sea level on the plain above La Paz.



Passing the six kilometre high mountains of the Andes with a fresh dusting of snow on them.



After a few hours we reach the shores of Lake Titicaca at 3812 metres above sea level. We follow its edge to Port de Tiquina where we catch a boat across the very narrow Strait of Tiquina to the other side. Here this tiny channel splits this enormous 8372 square kilometre lake in two.



A bus being taken across on a low barge ironically called the Titanic. The vehicles cross by barge and passengers cross by a regular launch.



Upon reaching the other side at Chancha Tiquina, we head up a long winding road into the hills, rising to about 4200 metres above sea level.



Once down the other side of the hills we reach the little bayside town of Copacabana. Here we stop for lunch before heading across the nearby border crossing into Peru.



The bus we travel in has bright orange windows. The border crossing here from Bolivia to Peru is very relaxed on both sides. With passports stamped we return to the bus and continue a short distance before stopping at the very dusty town of Yunguyo to change our money over from Bolivianos to Peruvian Sols.



We continue following the shore of the massive Lake Titicaca for a couple more hours until eventually reaching the lakeside city of Puno.



Exploring the main mall in the middle of Puno, where we will be staying for two nights.


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