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THE KINABATANGAN Valley is today a far cry from the dense jungle where the Orang Dusun tribespeople had established their village hundreds of years ago.

The animistic belief system had been cast aside into a forgotten history in favour of a foreign religion brought in from the deserts of the Middle East half a world away. The jungle self-sufficiency had been cast aside into a forgotten history in favour of a foreign commercialism brought in from the Western nations half a world away. The jungle itself had been cast aside into a forgotten history in favour of commercial farming of palm oil.

Despite the loss of the culture, the self-sufficiency, and the jungle that had supported their lifestyle, this tribe has retained remnants of their old beliefs, remnants of their dependence on the jungle, and remnants of the jungle itself, preserving a shadow of the old ways for travellers from afar to admire.

In days past few people would have ever had the opportunity to see the tribespeople of the remote jungle. Perhaps it was a trade-off that the removal of much of the belief system, the tribal way of life, and the jungle itself provides the opportunities in modern times to experience this remnant lifestyle.

One would hope that as much as the old ways and the jungle that for so many centuries that supported it would continue to be preserved for generations to come.

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22 May 2010

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