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Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

Home > Diaries > 2020 > 856


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Pine Rivers




35 - 42m ASL


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Hello friends. This evening I'm out beside Lake Samsonvale again photographing the sunset. I'm not sure if there will be much of one tonight. Just a bit of a walk through the bush to see the sunset then heading back again so just a very quick walk today. It has cooled down a little bit with the overcast weather and hopefully the next few days will be overcast as well so looking at heading back into the hills again.

OK that wasn't much of a sunset. There were too many clouds between here and the sun. Anyway before it gets too dark I need to head back through the forest.

Well friends I'm nearly at the end of the track now. It has taken a bit longer than I thought because I was almost out and I saw the sky and I saw it had briefly cleared in a small patch through which Jupiter and Saturn were showing just a couple of days off the grand conjunction. So I managed to get a couple of pictures of them with the telephoto (600mm) lens so hopefully they will come out (they did). It was only for a couple of minutes so it's now clouded back over again. It's looking cloudy again for the next several days so I was quite lucky to have got that so let's see how the pictures turned out. Anyway I'm almost there (the end of the track) and it is almost completely dark now so ciao for now.


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