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King's Canyon

Home > Diaries > 2023 > 1077


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Watarrka National Park




596 - 754m ASL


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Well good morning friends. I'm back at King's Canyon. I have just been climbing a very long staircase. I'm near the top now and we are going to be walking around the top of the canyon today. It is a beautifully fine day again today getting up to 28 degrees. Come join with me as I explore the canyon.

The rock formations here are really amazing. It is very old sandstone made about 350 to 400 million years ago it got lifted up when the Central Australian mountains were formed and a big crack formed in the rock and water got through it creating the canyon.

Well friends I'm now on top of the cliff overlooking the spectacular canyon. It is absolutely beautiful up here.

I've now made it up to the Garden of Eden at the top end of the gorge and it is very beautiful up here.

Well friends I"ve now made it to the other side and far end of the canyon. We are starting to head back now down this side of the canyon. It is starting to get windy now but there is a spectacular view from up here. This is where I will leave you today friends. Thanks once again for joining me and I'll catch you somewhere else here in the Northern Territory tomorrow. Until then, ciao for now.


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