FOLLOWING a week on Moreton Island I realised I had done a fair bit of travelling around Australasia over a number of years, and yet I had never owned a camera. I had completed many trips, many hikes and seen more than my fair share of spectacular scenery along the way. Many of these scenes were engraved in my memory, but they could not be shared.
It was high time I started using a camera to capture these amazing scenes I have encountered, so I headed into a local camera shop to buy what would be the camera that started it all.
Considered a pretty good model at the time, the Kodak DC3200 was a digital camera that took 1 megapixel pictures. It didn't have a zoom and all of its settings were automatic. It was a very crude camera compared to the SLRs I would later obtain, but it was a good start teaching me basic composition and how to capture light under a limited set of parameters. This would give me a good foundation of photography skills for when I would later upgrade to better cameras in years to come.