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South Eastern USA

South Eastern USA
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Wash DC to Key West




0 - 52m ASL


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IN TIMES past, the United States was clearly divided into the north and the south. This was most evident during the civil war when the most famous 1863 battle broke out in the small town of Gettysburg, strategically positioned alng the boundary between the north and the south. Political ideologies were very different, particularly with the economy in the south being powered by slavery. The north disagreed the concept of slavery and wanted it abolished and war broke out between the north and south.

This part of the journey follows the eastern side of the north of USA. I start with exploring Boston before following the coast soutwards passing back into and through New York. From there I continuing onto Philadelphia before heading inland to quieter reaches of inland Pennsylvania stopping in an Amish community. I then head across to the historic grounds of Gettysburg and cross over to the start of the southern states arriving in the United States' capital city, Washington D.C.


Day 13 - Washington DC

THE CAPITAL city of Washington D.C. stands proud. The Mall is a spectacular green extending for two miles in... more...


Day 14 - Hurricane aftermath

WHEN I arrived in New York some days ago, Hurricane Florence was in full force to the south. Fortunately it didn't... more...


Day 15 - Kennedy Space Centre

A PRISTINE subtropical coastal swamp is perhaps the last place you would expect to find the world's most... more...


Day 16 - Miami and the Everglades

REPUTED to be the world's slowest river, the Florida Everglade is a huge swampland just above sea level flowing... more...


Day 17 - Key West

THE FLORIDA Keys is a row of islands extending south of the southern end of Florida, encasing shallow... more...


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